12.3.2019 Press release
Juha Väre has been appointed CFO of Paulig and member of the group’s Management Team as from the 1st of April. He joins Paulig from the position as Vice President, Finance and Business Development at Amer Sports’ Connected Devices and Digital Services business area. He holds M.Sc. degree in Economics and has an extensive background in finance, strategy and business development.

Juha Väre has more than 20 years of experience in working with industry leading global brands such as Nokia, Salomon, Atomic and Suunto. He has led several finance domain as well as business area wide transformation programs. During his career he’s been based in Finland, Poland, Italy, U.K. and France.

”I am very pleased to have Juha join the Paulig Group Management Team. He has a broad background in developing and leading Finance and as well as extensive international business experience”, says Rolf Ladau, CEO of Paulig.

”I am happy to join Paulig and be a part of the exciting path ahead of us”, says Juha Väre.

Anita Laxén,
Communications Director, Paulig
tel: +358 40 770 0873



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